Foliar Scripts

Take the Guess Work Out of Nutrient Application

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Built by Farmers, for Farmers

Foliar Scripts provides farmers precise nutrient recommendations for corn and soybeans, taking into account the location, crop, growth stage, and yield goals. Developed in partnership with Soil Regen, we leveraged North Carolina Farmer, Russell Hedrick’s internal calculations (helping him to personally notch a record yield of 459.91 bushels for dryland corn in 2022) and years of data spanning nationwide. The result, was Foliar Scripts: a simple and automized tool that’s economical for all farmers.

What it does

Foliar Scripts provides farmers precise nutrient recommendations

Utilizing a plant tissue test, Foliar Scripts provides a precise nutrient recommendation that accounts for the type of crop, growth stage, and yield goal. Farmers have the flexibility of using their preferred products and application method.


Corn and soybean growth stages are divided into vegetative and reproductive stages

Corn growth Stages

Early Vegetative

Late Vegetative

Early Reproductive

Late Reproductive

Soybean growth Stages

Early Vegetative

Late Vegetative

Early Reproductive

Late Reproductive

3 Steps to Your Tissue Report

#1 Upload Tissue Test.

#2 Choose the concentration of application

#3 View and Export Your Report

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1101 4th St. South Suite 312, Saint Petersburg, Florida, 33701

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